New to church?
A journey of faith is personal, meaningful and sometimes confusing! Coming to church shouldn’t be daunting, but we understand that you may have some reservations about what to expect.
I’m worried about bringing my children in case they’re disruptive
If you’re worried about your children disrupting a service, please don’t! We openly encourage you to attend with your children and have both a children’s corner for preschoolers and a Sunday School for primary school aged children.
Do I need to be baptised to come to church?
No, you don’t need to be baptised to come to church and we welcome people from all faiths and denominations. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to talk to Fr Adam or Fr Gary either before you attend or after a service.
Do I need to wear my Sunday best?
You’re welcome to dress smartly for church or simply to come as you are. God is much more interested in what is in your heart rather than what you’re wearing!
How will I know what to do?
Our service booklets are quite easy to follow and will guide you through the service. If there isn’t someone you know who attends, we suggest you sit near the back so you can see what everyone else is doing and copy them! Lots of people have joined our two churches in recent years, so people around you will remember how it feels to be new! If you’re lost don’t be embarrassed to ask someone, they won’t bite.
I’d like to explore the Christian faith more – what should I do?
Our Explorer Course runs once a year and is a good place to find out more about what we believe and build up your understanding of what takes place during the mass. The course teaches about the Christian basics in the context of how we worship set out over 10 weekly sessions. It’s free to join and is a great place to explore your faith whilst meeting with others in the same boat.
It is also ideal for those who would like to explore the possibility of Confirmation, and for those who would like a ‘refresher course’ because they were confirmed more years ago than they care to remember.
To find out more, please contact Fr Adam or Fr Gary.